Materials related to rehearsal and performance, including a published copy (Berlin: Eduard Bloch, n.d.; Eduard Bloch's Theater-Gartenlaube No. 138), with minor annotations indicating its intended use as a promptbook; and 5 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Leopoldine von Schleusach; Konrad, Offizier, Leopoldine's Sohn; Magda, Leopoldine's Tochter; Kaspar Rauthaler, Schlossverwalter; and Edmund Karstel, Assessor und Landwehr-Offizier. (The play has 3 additional roles: Freiherr Eberhard von Schleusach, Rittmeister a. D.--stepfather of Leopoldine; ein Diener; and ein Knabe.) The published copy dates from around 1870. The role books are all written out in the same hand. They are slightly soiled on the outside surfaces but bare of any annotations that might give clues to their use. (The collection's holdings of theater newspapers and playbills contain no reference to this play.)